Coming Soon...

Soon to be something wonderful right here... A lil' slide show I put together! Some of my favourites...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

On Another Note...

A Word about Jennifer Lynn Studio...

Time for another post! Instead of posting some of Jennifer Lynn Studio's new and great jewellery, I thought I would write a short note about this lady, if I may...

As some of you know, I like to check in on Jennifer Lynn Studio's Etsy page as often as possible. Also, I thoroughly enjoy her tweets. Her tweets are what inspired this post.

The lady who run's Jennifer Lynn Studio isn't just a wonderful jewellery designer, she is also a wonderful lady. At least a few times a day, I'll check her tweets for many different reasons. I'll check 'em to see if I missed a new listing on her Etsy page and I'll check 'em to see the new stuff from those that she supports in her Etsy community. Usually when this lady sends out a retweet, you can be sure that it's worth a look. Here is a link to her Twitter page - Jennifer Lynn Studio on Twitter. Give her tweets a read and I think you'll be delighted...

Not only does she support some really great buys and the best of the crafty, but her tweets will make you laugh, smile, and keep you coming back for more. This is the mark of a good story teller folks and her story can be seen in her jewellery. Granted, not everyone on twitter is worth following and some of those tweeps will bore you out of your mind, but Jennifer Lynn Studio and those that she supports will never bore and she and they are worth the follow.

Plus, you never know when she's going to tweet a new listing on her page. When that happens, I think you'll find yourselves eager to click on that link and see what she has created. You never know what it's going to be and most likely you will be surprised and pleased...

That being said, I hope you give her a look on Twitter and I know that you'll enjoy every tweet and link...

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