Coming Soon...

Soon to be something wonderful right here... A lil' slide show I put together! Some of my favourites...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New and Beautiful Creations!

Jennifer Lynn Studio!!!

The lady of Jennifer Lynn Studio has indeed been a busy lady this last week. Boy howdy to do I have a few pieces to show off today. The first piece of jewellery I want to show off caught my eye even through the fastest page clicking known to man. In other words, it's just that cool!

The title of the piece is "Hills Tribe Silver Flowers." I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like it. When looking at Jennifer Lynn Studio's other pieces and their "evolution" as it were, it really is a neat thing to see where her creativity will go next. Perhaps, this adds a bit of fun to this special lady and jewellery designer.

All title's, and/or descriptions, as well as pictures, are done by Jennifer Lynn Studio and the credit is all her's...

That being said, here is the first beauty of a few that I wish to show off today!

Hills Tribe Silver Flowers, Tanzania Garnet Ovals, and Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Chain Earrings

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

The next two pieces speak to a certain location of the US. At least they do to me. I have been to many different places in this country and these next wonder's from Jennifery Lynn Studio just shout South Western to me. For instance, if you take a look at some of the fashions in Arizona and especially New Mexico, these beauties will not only fit right in, but will probably steal the show! They are a great and very detailed design and offer the quality and creativity that only Jennifer Lynn Studio can offer. Take a look...

This piece is titled "GOING GREEN..." Very clever with her title's this lady.

GOING GREEN...Chrysocolla Jasper, Silver Filigree Caps, Green Crystals, and Sterling Silver Necklace

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

Isn't that gorgeous!?! If you like that one, take a look at these earrings. South Western style, elegance, and something to give that someone special, or to give yourself, something you know is one of a kind! This last but not least piece is titled "SUMMER BREEZE.." Beautiful indeed!!!

SUMMER BREEZE..Green Chrysoprase, Bali, and Sterling Silver Leaf Charm Earrings

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

That's it for now folks and I leave you with a fantastic song perfect for this post!

Diamonds on the inside Diamonds on the Inside...

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