Coming Soon...

Soon to be something wonderful right here... A lil' slide show I put together! Some of my favourites...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Instead of writing about all that is going on in the world, such as Google's awesome features, or the failwhale on twitter, or even other issues going on in the world with peace and humanitarian efforts, I have decided to dedicate this blog to the discussion of one of my favourite jewellery designers - Jennifer Lynn Studio...

So, for a lil' bit, I'm going to feature a different item and I'm going to write about what I love, in regards to her jewellery, for at least a few more days. For my other blog, which rambles on about everything, please see the sidebar - Moments...

That being said, I am very excited about her jewellery, and from what I hear, there is supposed to be a new peace listed soon (respective of when this post was written of course). However, the one that I wish to mention today, is a pair of the loveliest earrings you may have ever seen!

The ones I speak of are called Cherished Heart.

Picture and all descriptions were done and to be credited to and by Jennifer Lynn Studio. You may simply click the picture for a proper link to her Etsy page and also for a proper URL.

I recently bought a pair of these, originally to be a Valentine's Day gift. However, due to circumstance and that they are of such fine quality and a beautiful design, I will be keeping them for a very special occasion. I do so wish that my old camera were in working order, as it had about a billion mega-pixels. I would use the macro feature on it to take a zoomed in picture of the detail of the little twists of chain and how the whole piece was put together by Jennifer Lynn Studio. You would indeed be impressed.

What you can't see with these earrings, which is one of my favourite features, and the likes I have never seen anywhere in all of my exploits of jewellery, is that down at the bottom where the chain attaches to the heart, the chain actually separates into two chains! This has an astounding effect upon the eyes, and I would imagine, on the heart of anyone lucky enough to receive a pair of these. The overall detail is extraordinary and for the price, you will find no finer item in any jewellery store, from California, to Alaska, and clear over to London.

I will leave you with those thoughts, that what you can't see from the photo's of Jennifer Lynn Studio's jewellery, will not only please you, but dazzle you, and touch the heart of the receiver of the jewellery. What you can see from the photos, however, matched with the price of the jewellery, cannot be overlooked. I will personally say, that after my first purchase from Jennifer Lynn Studio, for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was the one getting too much for my money...

Tomorrow, I'll be putting together a little collection of my favourite pieces from Jennifer Lynn Studio all into one post!

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