Coming Soon...

Soon to be something wonderful right here... A lil' slide show I put together! Some of my favourites...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This post is not exactly a post about Wonder Woman or the super cool Spartacus show that I saw, but it is one that I have written about before on my other blog, and it is the proud owner of the first post on this one!!! It's a post that I find to be quite attractive to write about and, if I must say so myself, it certainly does dress a blog up a bit. It's about jewellery...

Pumpkin Spice

Picture and Description by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Please click the picture for the URL and link to the lovely set...

Many of you have heard about Etsy. For those of you that haven't, it's an online shop much like Ebay, where handmade things are bought and sold. There is some really great stuff there in Etsy and this is one of my favourite. The name of this shop is called Jennifer Lynn Studio...

I've always had a bit of an eye for jewellery and can spot an uneven post holding up a diamond from quite a distance. I guess you could say that I'm a little like a hawk looking down into a field when it comes to jewellery. There is nothing wrong with a guy appreciating a beautiful thing when he sees it, and this jewellery is beautiful.

I found Jennifer Lynn Studio back in my Twitter days when I was shopping around in the Etsy hashtag, believe it or not, and fell in love with her jewellery right on the spot! I even made a few purchases and what I received was the best online service I have ever received - EVER! Also, the jewellery I received was even more beautiful than any of the pictures. Needless to say, every one that I gave the jewellery to absolutely loved what they got.

If you love jewellery and you love handmade things, you will be absolutely pleased, delighted, and 100% satisfied with Jennifer Lynn Studio, this I promise...

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