Coming Soon...

Soon to be something wonderful right here... A lil' slide show I put together! Some of my favourites...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

On Another Note...

A Word about Jennifer Lynn Studio...

Time for another post! Instead of posting some of Jennifer Lynn Studio's new and great jewellery, I thought I would write a short note about this lady, if I may...

As some of you know, I like to check in on Jennifer Lynn Studio's Etsy page as often as possible. Also, I thoroughly enjoy her tweets. Her tweets are what inspired this post.

The lady who run's Jennifer Lynn Studio isn't just a wonderful jewellery designer, she is also a wonderful lady. At least a few times a day, I'll check her tweets for many different reasons. I'll check 'em to see if I missed a new listing on her Etsy page and I'll check 'em to see the new stuff from those that she supports in her Etsy community. Usually when this lady sends out a retweet, you can be sure that it's worth a look. Here is a link to her Twitter page - Jennifer Lynn Studio on Twitter. Give her tweets a read and I think you'll be delighted...

Not only does she support some really great buys and the best of the crafty, but her tweets will make you laugh, smile, and keep you coming back for more. This is the mark of a good story teller folks and her story can be seen in her jewellery. Granted, not everyone on twitter is worth following and some of those tweeps will bore you out of your mind, but Jennifer Lynn Studio and those that she supports will never bore and she and they are worth the follow.

Plus, you never know when she's going to tweet a new listing on her page. When that happens, I think you'll find yourselves eager to click on that link and see what she has created. You never know what it's going to be and most likely you will be surprised and pleased...

That being said, I hope you give her a look on Twitter and I know that you'll enjoy every tweet and link...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For A Princess...

Talk about charming and absolutely beautiful... This has got to be the sweetest piece that Jennifer Lynn Studio has come up with yet. I have only three words for this piece - I love it...

The delightful and very romantic necklance is titled "PRINCESS COACH NECKLACE.." by Jennifer Lynn Studio.


Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click Picture for Original Source and Proper URL!

What can I say, I just love this one...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New and Beautiful Creations!

Jennifer Lynn Studio!!!

The lady of Jennifer Lynn Studio has indeed been a busy lady this last week. Boy howdy to do I have a few pieces to show off today. The first piece of jewellery I want to show off caught my eye even through the fastest page clicking known to man. In other words, it's just that cool!

The title of the piece is "Hills Tribe Silver Flowers." I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like it. When looking at Jennifer Lynn Studio's other pieces and their "evolution" as it were, it really is a neat thing to see where her creativity will go next. Perhaps, this adds a bit of fun to this special lady and jewellery designer.

All title's, and/or descriptions, as well as pictures, are done by Jennifer Lynn Studio and the credit is all her's...

That being said, here is the first beauty of a few that I wish to show off today!

Hills Tribe Silver Flowers, Tanzania Garnet Ovals, and Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Chain Earrings

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

The next two pieces speak to a certain location of the US. At least they do to me. I have been to many different places in this country and these next wonder's from Jennifery Lynn Studio just shout South Western to me. For instance, if you take a look at some of the fashions in Arizona and especially New Mexico, these beauties will not only fit right in, but will probably steal the show! They are a great and very detailed design and offer the quality and creativity that only Jennifer Lynn Studio can offer. Take a look...

This piece is titled "GOING GREEN..." Very clever with her title's this lady.

GOING GREEN...Chrysocolla Jasper, Silver Filigree Caps, Green Crystals, and Sterling Silver Necklace

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

Isn't that gorgeous!?! If you like that one, take a look at these earrings. South Western style, elegance, and something to give that someone special, or to give yourself, something you know is one of a kind! This last but not least piece is titled "SUMMER BREEZE.." Beautiful indeed!!!

SUMMER BREEZE..Green Chrysoprase, Bali, and Sterling Silver Leaf Charm Earrings

Picture is done by Jennifer Lynn Studio. Please click the picture for the original source link and a propper URL!

That's it for now folks and I leave you with a fantastic song perfect for this post!

Diamonds on the inside Diamonds on the Inside...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Great Jewellery!!!

I have to apologize for not posting anything in the last couple of days. Truth is, I am finally getting over my cold and I was doing a bit of research regarding search engines and keywords.

For tomorrow's post, however, I have some great news about Jennifer Lynn Studio! She has been working her tail off and has some of the most wonderful pieces of jewellery that most of us can't even imagine. Tis true folks... The selection I have put together for my next post will show you just what Jennifer Lynn Studio is made of. If you go back a few posts and follow along, you'll get an idea of just who this lady is. I know that everyone is pressed for time these days, so I don't expect you to all go back and read every post to get to know this jewellery designer, but, I do hope that you all check tomorrow's post.

I have to admit folks, looking around Jennifer Lynn Studio is a bit of a hobby, fun thing, and yes, a pleasure. I never know what she is going to create and I am always waiting for the next piece. Honestly, I am always delighted at what I find. For my next post, I'm going to feature the pieces that I have found even though I was a bit weary, I was never too weary to check Jennifer Lynn Studio's Etsy page. It would take a serious cold to prevent that. She has surprised and impressed me and I will display my delight first thing tomorrow - California time!

Until then, my friends, have a great day/evening!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Keys to Your Heart...

Now this is a work of art, to say the least! It is a new piece from Jennifer Lynn Studio, as far as I know, and I find it absolutely delightful. She mentions in the description of this piece that these keys will unlock the details of your heart. I believe it to be true, for the person wearing them, and for the person in love with the person wearing them. I hope that you find them as awesome and wonderful as I do...

This lovely set of earrings is titled "THE KEY.." What a great combination of silver and stone, but then again, Jennifer Lynn Studio is quite crafty with her silver.

Picture and title done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Please click the picture for the proper link and URL - the credit is hers...

Perhaps you, dear reader, know someone who these earrings would be perfect for!?!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

She Did It!!!

Wooo hooo and yee haw!!! Jennifer Lynn Studio has done it again!

First of all, let me apologize for not getting a post up yesterday. I have had a terrible cold and yesterday may have been the worst day of that cold. Granted, I could for some reason type twice as fast as I usually do, the rest of me was not functioning in the slightest. I was, however, very pleased to see that Jennifer Lynn Studio created something that I thought may have been only a rumour. I bring you good news reader. The rumoured creation was not a rumour at all! I mentioned previously that she was going to do her "Cherished Heart" earrings in sliver.

Here they are in all of their spectacular glory... The piece is titled "SILVER CHERISHED HEART.."


Picture, title, and any description done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Please click the picture for a proper link and URL. The credit is hers...

And if that wasn't enough to get to your heart, she also made something new! Take a look at this beauty... She call's it "lampwork" and it is absolutely lovely. This next piece is titled "ZONA'S IRISH GLEN..." and appropriately so. Like I said, she is a genius with her titles.


Picture, title, and any description done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Please click the picture for a proper link and URL. The credit is hers...

For the next few days I'll be covering some of her other pieces and then every so often after that. I hope everyone has a great day and stays on their feet!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Something New!

Well folks, Jennifer Lynn Studio has done it again! She has indeed impressed me once again with...

Something New!

She has listed a new piece and I simply must write about it! You folks are going to love this one for sure. She has titled the piece "GALLAXY.." I encourage you to read the description from the picture's link. The thing about Jennifer Lynn Studio, is that she is a master with silver, crystals, and stones! Her silver work is my favourite bit. Okay, here it is...

Click the picture for the proper link and URL. Picture is done beautifully by Jennifer Lynn Studio and all credit belongs to her!

Well, what do you all think? Beautiful, genius, wonderful, and what will she come up with next!?! I'd be willing to bet, the next piece is even better... Love the silver work Ms.!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Favourite's from Jennifer Lynn Studio!!!

Favourites from Jennifer Lynn Studio

I have done it! I have found some of my favourites from Jennifer Lynn Studio. Granted, it was not easy and I did find a few more than I had originally intended. Seems to always happen to me when I go looking around Jennifer Lynn Studio's Etsy page. Like I said before, I adore her jewellery like no other, and find it terribly difficult to pick out just a couple of favourites. Sure, it is a little bit of work to post them, but at least I am true to my liking. That being said, let me present a few of my favourites from Jennifer Lynn Studio...

All titles and/or descriptions, as well as pictures, were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio and the credit is all hers.

This first piece is titled "YOUR SPECIAL DAY.." It is a very elegant piece and looks great with just about everything I can imagine it with.

Your Special Day
Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

This next piece is titled "CHERISHED HEART.." It is one of my all time favourites! It is even rumoured that she might make it in silver as well. Talk about awesome... (shh though, tis only a rumour).

Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

Moving on to JLynn's next masterpiece, as they all are in my book, another favourite... This next piece is titled "GOLDEN DANCER.." Talk about fancy. What a great title as well. Something Jennifer Lynn Studio has a knack for - great titles, descriptions, simple, powerful, and elegant designs...

Golden Dancer
Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

This next featured piece is a piece that is so beautiful to me, that I would only give it to someone that I loved terribly. I would know that every time I saw my loved one wearing this, I would fall that much more in love with her. It is titled "DOUBLE BLESSINGS NECKLACE..." It's okay to stare at this one!

Double Blessings
Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

"FLOWERS FOR YOU..." is the title of this next piece. What did I tell you about JLynn's title's!?! Fabulous! You're going to love this one...

Flowers For You
Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

For my next chosen one, you may be able to describe it as delicious, a tasty morsel if you will... It is titled "TARNISHED HEARTS..." If you ever get the chance to talk to the lady at Jennifer Lynn Studio, you will know that other jewellery makers have left you in this condition compared to her pieces; with a Tarnished Heart. But have no fear reader! JLynn can put you back on the proper jewellery path...

Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

And for my last piece, you might say I have saved the best for last. Tis not so though, dear reader; they are all the best! This next and last piece is titled "Wasabi Green." Oh how I would love to give this piece a closer examination! Can you imagine the detail on this one!?!

Picture and Title were done by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Click the picture for 
proper link and URL.

Well folks, that concludes my favourite pieces from Jennifer Lynn Studio! Tomorrow, I will review another piece and maybe even have a tidbit for you regarding something she might be working on, if we are lucky. If you would like to keep up with Jennifer Lynn Studio, you can find her on Twitter here - JLynnStudio.. She is absolutely delightful and yes, she does make custom pieces!

Have a great day or evening!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Instead of writing about all that is going on in the world, such as Google's awesome features, or the failwhale on twitter, or even other issues going on in the world with peace and humanitarian efforts, I have decided to dedicate this blog to the discussion of one of my favourite jewellery designers - Jennifer Lynn Studio...

So, for a lil' bit, I'm going to feature a different item and I'm going to write about what I love, in regards to her jewellery, for at least a few more days. For my other blog, which rambles on about everything, please see the sidebar - Moments...

That being said, I am very excited about her jewellery, and from what I hear, there is supposed to be a new peace listed soon (respective of when this post was written of course). However, the one that I wish to mention today, is a pair of the loveliest earrings you may have ever seen!

The ones I speak of are called Cherished Heart.

Picture and all descriptions were done and to be credited to and by Jennifer Lynn Studio. You may simply click the picture for a proper link to her Etsy page and also for a proper URL.

I recently bought a pair of these, originally to be a Valentine's Day gift. However, due to circumstance and that they are of such fine quality and a beautiful design, I will be keeping them for a very special occasion. I do so wish that my old camera were in working order, as it had about a billion mega-pixels. I would use the macro feature on it to take a zoomed in picture of the detail of the little twists of chain and how the whole piece was put together by Jennifer Lynn Studio. You would indeed be impressed.

What you can't see with these earrings, which is one of my favourite features, and the likes I have never seen anywhere in all of my exploits of jewellery, is that down at the bottom where the chain attaches to the heart, the chain actually separates into two chains! This has an astounding effect upon the eyes, and I would imagine, on the heart of anyone lucky enough to receive a pair of these. The overall detail is extraordinary and for the price, you will find no finer item in any jewellery store, from California, to Alaska, and clear over to London.

I will leave you with those thoughts, that what you can't see from the photo's of Jennifer Lynn Studio's jewellery, will not only please you, but dazzle you, and touch the heart of the receiver of the jewellery. What you can see from the photos, however, matched with the price of the jewellery, cannot be overlooked. I will personally say, that after my first purchase from Jennifer Lynn Studio, for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was the one getting too much for my money...

Tomorrow, I'll be putting together a little collection of my favourite pieces from Jennifer Lynn Studio all into one post!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This post is not exactly a post about Wonder Woman or the super cool Spartacus show that I saw, but it is one that I have written about before on my other blog, and it is the proud owner of the first post on this one!!! It's a post that I find to be quite attractive to write about and, if I must say so myself, it certainly does dress a blog up a bit. It's about jewellery...

Pumpkin Spice

Picture and Description by Jennifer Lynn Studio! Please click the picture for the URL and link to the lovely set...

Many of you have heard about Etsy. For those of you that haven't, it's an online shop much like Ebay, where handmade things are bought and sold. There is some really great stuff there in Etsy and this is one of my favourite. The name of this shop is called Jennifer Lynn Studio...

I've always had a bit of an eye for jewellery and can spot an uneven post holding up a diamond from quite a distance. I guess you could say that I'm a little like a hawk looking down into a field when it comes to jewellery. There is nothing wrong with a guy appreciating a beautiful thing when he sees it, and this jewellery is beautiful.

I found Jennifer Lynn Studio back in my Twitter days when I was shopping around in the Etsy hashtag, believe it or not, and fell in love with her jewellery right on the spot! I even made a few purchases and what I received was the best online service I have ever received - EVER! Also, the jewellery I received was even more beautiful than any of the pictures. Needless to say, every one that I gave the jewellery to absolutely loved what they got.

If you love jewellery and you love handmade things, you will be absolutely pleased, delighted, and 100% satisfied with Jennifer Lynn Studio, this I promise...